Solnhofen - Quarrying
The Solnhofer Natural Stone was already
won in roman times.
In a great number of excavations, wall and
floor-pavements were found in roman buildings, for example in the Weissenburg Therme.
At that time as now, this natural stone is only
won by hand.
After uncovering the suitable layers,
bigger plate-pieces are ushered out by lever and pointed-chop.
Then, the packet is split into single plates layer by layer.
The experienced quarrymen separate the plates suitable for further
process with high quantity of lime from the useless ones which include clay.
Afterwards, every single plate is examined for hidden cracks by beating it
with a small hammer.
Useless material is brought to the slag heap.
Only about 20- 25% of the dismantled stone pass the strict quality control
of the quarry master.
Still in the quarry, the plates are reduced to normalized measures
with special hammers and scales.
These rawly asserted plates then come to the sawry and grindery,
where they are ennobled to a high-quality natural stone.
Pictures on the top:
Quarrying the Solnhofen Natural Stone -
Pictures from 1960
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