Below you will find a small
Overview of possible variants.
Solnhofen - Overview
The Solnhofen Natural Stone,
also called Solnhofen Plate, is a stone of
high density and homogeneity.
It distinguishes over its naturalness and
its excellent edificial biological characteristics (absolute radiation-free in contrary
to some granites and slates, no injurious perspirations- so-called fogging- like
some artificial stones). Moreover, it is light-
and colour-fast, resistable and in
breach-rough the stone is step- and
slide-secure and is so appropriate
for bathrooms.
In current times, which are dominated
by artificial products, the Solnhofen
Natural Stone with its warm and natural
colours contrasts to the mass of
artificial stones and cold granites.
The Solnhofen Natural Stone can be
delivered in 3 types - machined cutted plates
(floor and wall tiles), free natural shapes,
so called Crazy Paving and tiles with
hand-cut edges.
The Solnhofen Natural Stone - an exclusive
stone to feel comfortable with.
Solnhofen Natural Stone
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