Solnhofen -  Information

The Solnhofen Natural Stone, also called Solnhofen Plate, is a stone of high density

and homogeneity.


It distinguishes over its naturalness and

its excellent edificial biological characteristics (absolute radiation-free in contrary

to some granites and slates, no injurious perspirations- so-called fogging- like

some artificial stones).

Technical information:

Trade title:

Solnhofen Natural Stone, Solnhofen Floor Plates,

Solnhofen Plate Lime, Solnhofen Fossil Stone


Stone type:

Lime stone with very high density and homogeneity



Floor paving, wall panelling, stairs and

sills in privat and public area, artificial creation


Basic attributes:

Light- and colour- true, step- and slid-secure

(with breach-rough and polished surface)

resistant, easy and favourable maintenance


Edificial biological attribute:

Excellent edificial biological characteristics,

absolute radiation-free in contrary to some

granites and slates, no injurious perspirations

(so-called fogging) like some artificial stones



Colours in natural variations of adjunct,

yellow, grey and light brown


Raw weight:

2,55 kg/dm³


Pressure firmness:

215 N/mm² (n. DIN 52105)


Bending firmness:

28,6 N/mm²


Warmth conductivity:

2,3 W/m x K


Water absorption:

1,4 % of weight



Breach-rough, sanded, honed, matt-polished



For paving in thin- bed method, calibrated plates

in the same thickness are delivered.

For paving in thick- bed method, plates in

slightly varying thicknesses are delivered,

the equalization of height follows in the concrete.

Please obey the paving instructions.


Underfloor heating:

The Solnhofen Natural Stone is especially suitable

as surface on underfloor heating due to its high

and equally density.


Frost stability:

Unfortunately we cannot grant any frost stability

as far as lime plates are concerned.



We recommend an appropriate stone-seal,

if the stone- surface is highly used.



Cleaning has to be effected by clear water,

if necessary add small amounts of wax free finery. Alkaline and sour fineries are to be avoided.

Phone: +49 8421 / 9885-0

Fax: +49 8421 / 9885-29


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